If you go to this website and play the trivia game each day, 20 free kibble are donated to animal shelters in both Oregon and Washington State. Please, take a few minutes to help those in need.
random checking at the exact right moment, done and done, bookmarked too.
MM@Thank you for both commenting and bookmarking. The girl who started this program was both an exceptional and caring personality and I wanted to make note of it. :)
DS@I don't think it matters if you're Aussie mate, just that you take the quiz once and awhile to contribute to the kibble fund.
DS@Your brain was not feeble, I say thee nay!! I went on the interwebs and translated your words which in the ever reliable cyberspace came out to, 'I'm Aussie' and so it was an error in my translation which led to the confusion. :) Thank you for following the link and providing free kibble for the worthy pups of Oregon and Washington State.
*Masterless Samurai
For some reason, people very rarely ask me for advice. I know, it’s weird;
as a person writing a comics blog in the year 2025 A.D. because he’s
otherwise u...
Happy New Year! In this episode of Awesomed By Comics, we talk about some
books we missed, wonder what happened to events, and look back on--what?
Why are...
FCBD is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Free Comic Book Day is coming this Saturday and we here at the Comic Stop
are going to make it a PARTY!
All 4 stores will be participating in FCBD, and ea...
Fantatsic Four - Comic Stop Style!
I am super proud to announce the newest addition to the Comic Stop Empire -
Comic Stop 4 in the University District!
More details to come but the g...
Stuff... and more stuff.
So, somehow, I have completely ignored this blog for the entire year.
I can take the easy way out and say, "Oh, I've been swamped with work" and
Displaced Housewives and Matchmaking?
It's eleven-thirty and I have a few things to do tomorrow. I can't sleep,
of course. I only felt half brainless all day, so naturally when I lay down
to ...
random checking at the exact right moment, done and done, bookmarked too.
moi aussi, OBG.
MM@Thank you for both commenting and bookmarking. The girl who started this program was both an exceptional and caring personality and I wanted to make note of it. :)
DS@I don't think it matters if you're Aussie mate, just that you take the quiz once and awhile to contribute to the kibble fund.
it means 'me too' in french, doesn't it?
did I spell it wrong?
he gets the thanks and I get the nag.
story of my life ;-)
p.s. if that was a joke, you have to put a smiley at the end otherwise my feeble brain just gets all hot and bothered. ta.
DS@Your brain was not feeble, I say thee nay!! I went on the interwebs and translated your words which in the ever reliable cyberspace came out to, 'I'm Aussie' and so it was an error in my translation which led to the confusion. :) Thank you for following the link and providing free kibble for the worthy pups of Oregon and Washington State.
lost in translation thanks to the mind-funkery of interwebs.
oh and by the way, may I plug my comic?
Plug plug plug.
danke (which means thank you) :-)
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