August 1, 2008

Joker does Geriatric

JSA Annual 1# (which I have yet to hold in my hot little hands) features a geriatric Joker, complete with oxygen mask and smiley faced ballons. Kirk Warren does moments of the week on his blog and this was one of them. I had to agree, if just to see an old Joker with a slight paunch on wheels. I don't know about you, but I always thought he'd live fast, die young and leave a creepy clown faced corpse. Buried of course in a Jack In The Box.


Anonymous said...

Living fast and dying young I get, but why would he be buried in a fast food restraunt? ;)

Oracle_Batgirl said...

Ba dum bump! ;)~

Now wouldn't that be a Joker thing to do, taking an entire restaurant (full of people no doubt) down with him and call it his crypt in the box.

Elwood said...

Think of the possibilities...exploding adult diapers, multi-vitamins laced with Joker Juice, super-charged Clappers...that would be a fun retirement home.

Oracle_Batgirl said...

Joker would be disapointed when the residents:

a) didn't notice the exploding diapers, they didn't use those bits anyway.

b)the multi-vitamins were exactly like the dementia they already experience on a near daily basis. Hell it might be an improvement in mind set!

c)The super charged clappers might do it, but the wily old folks would wheedle to their aides (who steal their money and feed them steak in a glass) to 'please turn on the light for an old lady/man' and watch 'em fry.


Elwood said...

Well...I ...uh...*sigh*

Fine. :P

Thomas Fummo said...



Kirk Warren said...

Joker at a fast food restaurant? More likely than you'd think!

Maybe he'd like to see Darkseid about if the manager is busy (or dead)?

Thanks for the link/shout out, too, Oracle_Batgirl!

Oracle_Batgirl said...

Mr.Warren, you ROCK. Not only did you find an actual Joker/fast food page (brilliant) but the Darkseid (Oh Giffen, you never fail me) at the McRestaurant...

I'm speechless (shut up Juan!!)

Thank you for posting (and letting me pimp my link on yer blog without pressing the delete button *grins*).

wicked juan said...
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wicked juan said...

Boy, I didn't even say anything and you're still telling me to shut up. Nice. :P

Awesome comment, Kirk.

Elwood said...

I read this issue last night, and it was awesome. Old Joker still brings the funny.

Adult Diapers said...

Thank you, thats very interesting information. I need to share with my friends.