July 30, 2008

Marvel Mini's=ADORABLE

Another flicker find, and strangely I find myself loving the cute. Of course I do have an abiding obsession with Marvel Superhero Squad (called Squishy Guys by the truly discerning) so there could be a theme emerging....


kylestevensmusic said...

I would frame this and put it up for sure if I had it!

Thomas Fummo said...

I wanna mini-ghost rider!

Lee Nygma said...

That's Dustin Nguyen, you can see a very cute mini Batman family and rogues gallery if you scroll down the page. :)

Oracle_Batgirl said...

@Kyle Agreed, Dustin is an amazing artist and I generally find his work imminently frame worthy. Hey next gig you do in town, please give a twitters up! :)

@DS I have one, it is from the marvel Super hero Squad (aka-OB crack). Ebay is your friend!!

@LN Thanks LN (shortening yer name, it's mah thing *grins*) for both posting and adding me to your twitter feed! And for the linkage. C'mon back anytime and make my day with commentary! ;)~

viagra online said...

I wanna a mini storm and wolverine and all, I wanna all of them specially one mini captain america this my favorite marvel hero.